
Showing posts from December, 2019


WHAT IS INDIAN ETHOS FOR MANAGEMENT?  Indian ethos for management means application of principles of management revealed in our ancient wisdom described in the Upanishads and Geeta. The following basic principles of management are as per ancient Indian Wisdom and Insight:  1. Each Soul is a Potential God  A human being has a soul, a spark of the Divine. The Divine resides in the heart of a person. The Divine means perfection in knowledge,wisdom and power. Therefore, a human being has immense potential power or energy for self-development. When the God Touch is there (in the form of Divine Grace), human efforts can achieve even an apparently impossible goal and convert the impossible into a reality. The partnership of God and Man can bring about extraordinary or miraculous results. Only if man chooses willingly to collaborate with God and actively participates in the affairs of the society by right action under his guidance and grace. He can bring about not only pers

Management Lessons from Vedas

  This blog discuss about the concepts associated with the study and practice of Management in view of the changing world order while establishing their  inter relatedness with the theories and practices developed in the West. Being followed by the leaders and entrepreneurs of the country right from the Vedic ages, the ancient Indians had developed their own management systems with the help of which they successfully carried out their business affairs. The Vedas and Upanishads have been at the grass root of Indian Literature work on culture and wisdom of ancient time. This study focuses on enriching the modern management terminology by the implication of the Vedic management system. It will be an attempt to know how ancient Indian Values which have stood the test of time can help modern management philosophy to create a more sustainable model of Management. Keywords : Vedas , Upanishads , Ancient Management , Modern Management , Culture. INTRODUCTION Management is a concep