Indian ethos for management means application of principles of management revealed in our ancient wisdom described in the Upanishads and Geeta. The following basic principles of management are as per ancient Indian Wisdom and Insight: 

1. Each Soul is a Potential God 

A human being has a soul, a spark of the Divine. The Divine resides in the heart of a person. The Divine means perfection in knowledge,wisdom and power. Therefore, a human being has immense potential power or energy for self-development. When the God Touch is there (in the form of Divine Grace), human efforts can achieve even an apparently impossible goal and convert the impossible into a reality. The partnership of God and Man can bring about extraordinary or miraculous results. Only if man chooses willingly to collaborate with God and actively participates in the affairs of the society by right action under his guidance and grace. He can bring about not only personal development, harmony, happiness but also prosperity of his own organisation and the society without injustice to the others. Of course, Divine Grace works only when your self-help and self efforts are maximum. God helps those who thus help themselves. When you become helpless, God’s grace and Help comes as a rescue boat in the form of Unseen Hand which is always behind you. In this way you can achieve extraordinary results. God’s grace is the power of God in man. This is the unique resource in man. God provides the needed inspiration in man. He guides man. He represents your conscience. 

2. Holism (Oneness) 

As per holism the whole universe is one. It is called the principle of unity, oneness, non-dual or Advaita concept. Jiva, Jagat, Jagadish are one. Man, nature and society are interdependent, interconnected, interrelated and form a golden chain an undivided whole ( Pumam). 
The only dharma or the law of life is the offer of service to others. “I cannot cheat you without cheating myself; it is a holistic world. Seva/Dana constitute ‘parama dharma’. 
Why do I work? Not for money only. If you work for your pocket only, peace, harmony, bliss will elude you. Do you want ace and bliss? Do you want fulfillment also? Then you have to work for others also for the good of others. Lord Krishna says: ‘If you want success you have to become a Karma Yogi. Turn your face from your pockets to the people. You have to keep your eyes on two fronts: (1) Not to get tempted by money and world enjoyment, (2) Not to forget that your welfare is dependent on the welfare of your people. A good manager leader is, a monk inside and a king outside. The manager-leader must be self-controlled, self-motivated, self-managed karma yogi, and work primarily for Lokasangraha. It is respect to the divinity, individually which assures maximum productivity in them and Total Quality Minds. Truth, divinity, and culture are more powerful than money. Civilisation is the manifestation of divinity in man. The Divine interpenetrates this Jagat like pearls on a string. Hence, entire Humanity is ONE. Management must recognise Oneness of Humanity. Respect the Divine in all beings. See your own self in all selves. It is said, “Do unto others as thou wish that others should do, unto you.” This is the yoga of the highest order. Management is called upon to follow whole-man approach to management and leadership. 

3. Equal Importance to Subjectivity/Objectivity 

Indian ethos for management distinguishes subject and object. Subject is subtle and intangible. Object is gross or concrete, and tangible or visible. 

We have the concept of the third eye, the eye of wisdom. It can even see that which the normal two eyes cannot. It can see the intangible i.e., invisible. 

Human and ethical values or qualities such as courage, vision, social awareness, fearlessness, integrity, pure and clear mind, truth, etc., are subjective, subtle and intangible concepts. These represent divine wealth. Value-based management is essential, to combine subjective and objective phenomena. These subjective or subtle qualities are as important as money, materials, machines, information or data as well as human skills. Inner resources of human beings are more powerful than external resources. Japan could prosper in industry, business and trade due to Optimum utilisation of inner resources. Japan does not have coal, mineral and petroleum. Fortunately, India has adequate material and natural resources. Let us develop now our human resources which have immense potential powers. Holistic and value-oriented management based on Indian Wisdom alone can secure managerial effectiveness and quality of worklife and work ethic. It will also assure total quantity management (TQM). Creator is subjective. Creation is objective. Insight i.e,creator is more important than Outsight i.e, creation. Our body, senses, intellect, mind, etc., are objective, seen, tangible. But our soul atman is unseen, intangible, subtlest and subjective. Hence, wisdom manager/worker is much more important and valuable than mere knowledge manager/worker. 

Therefore, managers must develop this third eye, ‘Jnana Chakshu’ the eye of vision, intuition, insight, foresight (prajna or wisdom).This is the essence of Indian Wisdom for management. 

Thanks for Reading

From the Books of
[Global Dharmic Management]


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